About Us

Discover Relu, Your All-encompassing Resource For


Our journey began with a mission to cater to the entrepreneurial spirit, offering powerful tools, ideas, and a supportive community. Learn more about our vision, brand presence, and the minds behind RELU.


Elevating Real Estate Entrepreneurship

RELU envisions a future where real estate investment is not just accessible, but also empowering and fulfilling. Our mission goes beyond simple property dealings – it’s about shaping lives, fostering growth, and redefining the concept of success in the real estate world.

Our holistic approach is our guiding principle. While real estate remains the core, we understand that true fulfillment comes from a life that’s balanced – where financial achievements coexist with personal freedom. We are dedicated to nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit by providing powerful tools, innovative ideas, strategic insights, and a supportive community. Our programs and mentorships are meticulously crafted to ensure our clients not only build wealth but also enjoy the freedom that comes with it.

At RELU, we believe in giving back. Social responsibility is interwoven into our brand ethos. A portion of our profits goes toward community projects, ensuring that as we grow, we elevate others with us. This isn’t just business for us; it’s a movement towards a better, more inclusive future.

Our aim is to become the most trusted and comprehensive resource in the real estate investment industry, with a strong emphasis on creative strategies and mindset development. Ultimately, our goal is to develop RELU into a leading brand in the real estate space with a fresh, less corporate, and more entrepreneurial-focused approach.

We are more than just a brand; we are a community, a family. We believe that the brand’s vision transcends any individual. We are committed to growing and establishing RELU as a standalone entity that embodies the spirit of real estate entrepreneurship for generations to come. Join us, and let’s redefine the real estate landscape together.

Founders’ Journey

Elevating Minds and

Transforming Lives

Both Andrew and Leo are united by a common vision: to empower individuals to transform their lives, whether through real estate investment or personal development. Together, they co-founded Real Estate Level Up (RELU), a platform dedicated to providing powerful tools, ideas, strategies, and community support to real estate enthusiasts on their investment journey

Leo Valentino

Leo Valentino

Founder, CEO

Leo Valentino, a social media star, gained prominence for his motivational content, amassing over 600 million views on his inspiring videos during his late teens. He has effectively spurred young communities worldwide, instilling confidence and creativity while encouraging them to embrace their roles as community leaders. Leveraging his internet success, Leo has successfully cultivated a thriving real estate portfolio working alongside Andrew. Leo has quickly become a well respected motivational speaker, coach, and community leader. Leo delights in guiding students to develop their real estate ventures, dedicating himself to empowering them to forge their own path towards to Self Love, Respect and Constant growth. After quickly connecting with many similarities in mission, and developing an excellent brotherhood, Leo and Andrew decided After quickly connecting with many similarities in mission, and developing an unbreakable brotherhood, to co-launch RELU to use their combined superpowers to inspire Millions to New Levels.

Andrew Schlag

Founder, CEO

At the age of 21, Andrew Schlag achieved a remarkable feat by purchasing 50 houses within 52 weeks, despite lacking prior experience, funds, or credit. Having trained and partnered early on with the god father of creative finance, Andrew has built a multimillion-dollar portfolio with almost 500 real estate deals completed over a decade. However, Andrew’s true calling in life transcends financial success. His profound passion lies in assisting others in realizing similar triumphs within the real estate domain. This dedication prompted him to begin coaching and show others the path to financial freedom. After meeting Leo Valentino, and quickly connecting with many similarities in mission, developing an unbreakable bond of brotherhood, Leo and Andrew Launched the Real Estate Level Up (RELU) education company to go far beyond Financial success to inspire a generation to live a financially free and Balanced FreedomLife.

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