Andrew’s Live Seller Call Negotiation

Inside a Real Estate Investor’s Live Seller Call Negotiation

Are you ready to step into the world of real estate negotiations, where deals are made or broken in the blink of an eye? In this blog post, we’re about to unveil the secrets of a successful real estate investor’s live seller call.

We’ll be peering behind the curtain of a magic show, where the tricks of the trade are revealed.

Before we dive into the details, don’t forget to join the Real Estate Level Up (RELU) community.

So, grab your notepad and get ready to uncover the strategies that have been perfected over a decade of creative financing in the real estate world.

The Significance of Live Seller Calls

A key pillar of successful real estate investing lies in the art of negotiation, and at its heart, negotiation often begins with a live seller call.

These calls hold immense significance in the world of real estate investing, acting as the initial point of contact between the investor and the seller.

They are the bridge that connects investors with potential properties and opportunities. These calls are where negotiations take their first form, and it’s here that the foundation for the entire transaction is laid.

As you go through the live seller call, think of it as a unique window into the world of negotiation and deal-making. It will provide a real-time glimpse of how skilled investors navigate through conversations, ask the right questions, and build rapport with sellers.

The Analysis of the Live Seller Call

Establishing credibility and rapport: The call begins with Andrew establishing credibility by mentioning his experience and how the seller’s contact information was saved for two years. This creates trust and a foundation for the conversation.

Setting the stage for the deal: Andrew investor carefully inquires about the property, its condition, and the seller’s motivations. These questions not only gather essential information but also guide the conversation towards a potential deal.

Addressing concerns and objections: As the conversation progresses, Andrew addresses the seller’s concerns, such as monthly payments, property maintenance, and the seller’s age. He demonstrates active listening and responds with empathy and understanding.

Proposing terms and conditions: Andrew investor proposes a monthly payment plan, mentioning that he’ll cover taxes, insurance, maintenance, and repairs. He negotiates on price and terms, aiming for a win-win situation.

Concluding with a commitment: Lastly, Andrew investor secures a verbal commitment from the seller to consider the offer seriously and suggests a property visit to finalize the details.

Negotiation Techniques Used in the Call

Throughout the call, various negotiation techniques come into play.

Active Listening: Andrew actively listens to the seller’s concerns and preferences, adapting his approach accordingly.

Mirroring: Andrew mirrors the seller’s pace and tone, establishing rapport and making the conversation more comfortable.

Asking Open-ended Questions: Open-ended questions encourage the seller to share more information, which is crucial for understanding their needs and motivations.

Framing the Offer: The offer is framed as a solution that benefits both parties, emphasizing the advantages of the proposed terms.

Soft Commitment: Instead of pushing for an immediate decision, the investor secures a soft commitment to move forward, allowing both parties time to think.

These techniques can be applied in real-life scenarios to secure profitable real estate deals. For more on acing negotiations in real estate, click here.

The Power of Asking Questions

Real estate negotiations are often dictated by your ability to ask the right questions.

Asking questions allows investors to steer the conversation, gather critical information, and build rapport with the seller. Here’s why it matters:

  1. Questions help understand the seller’s motivations, property details, and financial preferences. This information is essential for crafting a tailored offer.
  2. By asking questions and listening attentively to the responses, you can demonstrate your genuine interest in the seller’s situation. This builds trust and establishes a productive dialogue.
  3. Skillful questioning will enable you to guide the conversation toward the key points of negotiation, ensuring that essential topics are covered.

In real estate negotiation, securing a verbal commitment from the seller is a significant milestone. It builds trust and represents their willingness to consider the offer seriously and move closer to a deal. It also makes your intentions crystal clear. The last thing you want is for a seller to feel like you are wasting their time.

The key to effective real estate negotiations lies in adopting a win-win mindset. A win-win negotiation focuses on finding solutions that benefit both the buyer and the seller. This fosters cooperation and goodwill throughout the deal.

Such a negotiation also builds lasting relationships in the real estate industry. And we all know, if you are known for fair and ethical negotiations, you are more likely to attract deals and referrals. Reputation matters in the real estate world.

The Role of Flexibility in Creative Negotiations

Flexibility is a vital element in real estate negotiations, often making the difference between a successful deal and a missed opportunity. It is the hallmark of savvy real estate investors.

It lets you adapt to market dynamics. And if you remain flexible you can adjust your strategy to align with market conditions.

Flexibility also allows you to tailor offers. A personalized approach increases the likelihood of the seller accepting your deal.

In negotiations, unforeseen challenges can arise at any time. Flexibility empowers you to navigate these obstacles creatively and find alternative solutions that keep the deal on track.

Ultimately, flexibility benefits both you and the seller, allowing you aim for that win-win outcome:


In the culmination of the live seller call, you must have witnessed the power of effective negotiation and the art of deal-making.

Through skillful negotiation and open dialogue, the following key details of the deal were established:

  • Andrew Schlag, and the seller, Randy, discussed a purchase price that would align with both parties’ interests. While a specific price wasn’t mentioned during the call, the groundwork was laid for further negotiations.
  • Andrew proposed a monthly payment plan, highlighting his willingness to pay between $400 and $600 a month. Randy considered this offer, showing flexibility regarding the monthly income he would receive.
  • The call led to an agreement on a 5-year balloon payment plan, providing a clear timeline for the investment.

This call exemplifies the essence of win-win negotiation in real estate investing. It highlights how open dialogue, adaptability, and a commitment to win-win outcomes can transform a simple conversation into a promising investment opportunity.

Stay tuned for more on creative financing in real estate or join our community if you haven’t already.

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